4 October 2020 – Poutine Project

Poutine project was a massive success! Simon and the kiddo took lead on this one. I just took photos and made a quick trip out for additional fry oil. I’d had aspirations of making the cheese curds, but realized my cheese skills aren’t ready for that yet. Gravy was a gluten free roux, homemade chicken stock, and packaged bisto beef gravy granules. (not fully gluten free, but it kept the wheat levels low enough for me to enjoy)

Potatoes were soaked, dried, fried at 300F, and fried again at 375F (head fryer says he will be trying 400F for this stage next time) 

This week’s meal plan only extends to Friday at the moment. Thanksgiving happens Oct 12 and kid has requested a ‘real turkey dinner’. 

Monday: Asian style noodles with tofu and green beans

Tuesday: sausage kale pasta

Wednesday: tacos with moose and tomatillo salsa

Thursday: grilled fish, squash and Catalan chickpeas with arugula

Friday: date night

Saturday/Sunday: TBD

Monday: Thanksgiving

About Renee

Fiftysomething biomechanical engineer, parent, partner, and recreational acrobat.
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