1 November 2020

After almost 2 weeks on the road Halloween was my first real day home. Toronto went trick-or-treatless thanks to rising covid spread in Ontario. The Haunted Walk* hosted a great virtual campfire series that we all attended virtually while I was on the road so our holiday had more of a slow burn than just trick-or-treating would have been. For actual Halloween day I had the kid give me an awesome special effect for my trip to the grocery store and she did a creepy clown effect on herself for an afternoon backyard visit with the in-laws. Watched Sleepy Hollow, ate the candy we would have given out and called it a night. We still have a “Haunting at Home” paranormal experience to do together, but ran out of time to do it on Oct 31 so we will be carrying our halloween into November.

*I worked as a haunted tour guide for them during graduate school. Remind me to tell you about it sometime.

Today/Sunday is the official get back into the swing of homelife. Laundry, cleaning, and helping with homework. Plus of course the meal plan for this week!

  • Sunday: sushi (for someone who has been literally living next to the ocean, quarantine restrictions and rental house limitations meant my trip involved precious little seafood – definitely plan on making up for that tonight and next weekend)
  • Monday: cod, beets with goat cheese and a side grain to be named later
  • Tuesday: sweet and sour chicken with noodles and broccoleaf
  • Wednesday: skirt steak and green salad
  • Thursday: margarita shrimp tacos with cabbage slaw
  • Friday: red curry with tofu and kale
  • Saturday: Date night – not sure exactly what yet, but it will definitely include oysters from Malpeque!! (that’s where I was living in PEI)
  • Sunday: Roast beast with turnips and potatos

About Renee

Fiftysomething biomechanical engineer, parent, partner, and recreational acrobat.
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